The colour code is a combination of colour rendering (CRI) and light colour (Kelvin). The first number indicates the colour rendering (1 = very poor colour rendering, 9 = maximum colour fastness). The second and third number contains the light colour. Example: the colour code 830 consists of good colour rendering (8) and warm white light (3000K).
Colour temperature (Kelvin)
Light Colour Options
Colour of Light
The light color indicates the color of the light emitted: white, colored, or UV. For many products in our assortment, the light is white, available in a range from very warm white to daylight white (expressed in Kelvin). With colored light, you have two options: 1. A single fixed color, such as red or green. 2. RGBW, which means you can adjust the light color at any time: white or colored.
Replaces (Watt)
This indicates which wattage of your old/conventional lighting is replaced by this LED product.